Environmental Credits Purchaser Guide
What is needed to buy Environmental Credits?
Purchase of Woodland/Peatland/Soil Carbon
Decide on the volume you would like to receive and whether you require Pending Issuance Units or Woodland/Peatland Carbon Units.
All our units are registered on the UK Land Carbon Registry with IHS Markit. Carbon units can either be purchased through your own account, which carries a £400 “set-up” fee, or we can “tag” units with your name to confirm the purchase without your needing an account. We are happy to advise on which of these options would best suit and can help you to set up an account if this is appropriate.
Pay for your units
We will negotiate a price per unit with the vendor. There is no set price, and it depends on the type of woodland, cost of management and creation. Pending Issuance Units will be cheaper than Woodland Carbon Units and fetch between £12 and over £20 /tCO2e.
Receive your carbon units
If you have your own account on the UK Land Carbon Registry, we will transfer the carbon units purchased to your account. You can see all carbon and peatland units you purchased here and can choose to retire verified Woodland Carbon Units when you are ready to use them to offset your carbon footprint.
If you have not setup an account, we can ‘Assign’ Pending Issuance Units to you which you can view, these units will be automatically retired when they are verified. We can retire verified Woodland Carbon Units on your behalf which you can also view on the ‘Retired Credits’ page.
Purchase of Biodiversity net gain and Nitrate Offsets
To purchase biodiversity credits and nitrate offsets contact us and we can talk you through our register of potential sites.

Hugh Townsend
01392 823935

Alasdair Squires
01392 823935