Basic Payment Scheme
We have over twenty five years’ experience of advising on farming subsidies including IACS, beef, sheep, milk quotas and entitlements, both from a management perspective and as a national agency trading in farm quotas. As a result we have a comprehensive, in-depth and detailed understanding of the Basic Payment Scheme, which has evolved from these schemes, and is why we are considered to be a leading authority on current and future schemes.
Information on the Basic Payment Scheme is available here.
We offer advice on all areas of the BPS including:
- completion of online BPS claims in England and Single Application Forms for Wales & Scotland – here
- greening compliance (EFAs & Crop Diversification) – here
- errors and penalties – here
- land eligibility
- boundary and mapping changes
- land registration with the RPA
- business registration with the RPA
- acquiring BPS entitlements (leasing or buying) – here
- selling BPS entitlements – here
- RPA inspections
- cross-compliance (GAEC & SMRs) issues including NVZ regulations
- “land at your disposal” issues
- interaction with stewardship schemes – here
- RPA dispute resolution and dual use issues – here
- multi-farm – single business checks (IACS 26/27)
- commons entitlements – claiming back-dated payments and extra entitlements where eligible – here
- applications for the New and Young Farmer Payment and for entitlements from the National Reserve – here
- the Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS) and Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)- here

Hugh Townsend
01392 823935