Mixed Farming Agreement
The mixed farming agreement has three categories with fourteen options to choose from and applicants must pick at least one option from categories 1, 2 and 3. The minimum number of options that can be selected is three, and there is no maximum.
Category 1. Nectar and pollen sources for insect pollinators and insect-rich foraging for birds (min 1 ha per 100 ha of farmed land included in the agreement for AB1 and AB8; 2ha for GS4. No max) |
AB1 | Nectar flower mix | £511/ha |
AB8 | Flower-rich margins and plots | £539/ha |
GS4 | Legume and herb-rich swards | £309/ha |
Category 2. Winter food for seed-eating birds (min 2 ha per 100 ha farmed land included in the agreement, no max) |
AB9 | Winter bird food | £640/ha |
Category 3. Additional resources & habitats (no min or max, apart from individual option requirements) |
AB5 | Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew | £524/ha |
AB6 | Enhanced overwinter stubble | £436/ha |
AB11 | Cultivated areas for arable plants | £532/ha |
AB12 | Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birds | £632 per tonne for every 2 ha of AB9 |
GS2 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs) | £95/ha |
GS17 | Lenient grazing supplement | £44/ha |
SW1 | 4m to 6m buffer strip on cultivated land | £353/ha |
BE3 | Management of hedgerows | £8/100m |
WT1 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland | £201/ha |
WT2 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land | £501/ha |