The lowland grazing agreement has seven options to choose from which are divided into three categories. Applicants must pick one option from category 1, and one from category 2.  Further options can be selected, and the agreements last for five years.

Category 1.

Nectar and pollen sources for insect pollinators and insect-rich foraging for birds (min 2 ha per 100 ha of farmed land included in the agreement, no max)

GS2 Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDA) £95/ha
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards £309/ha


Category 2.

Nesting and shelter for insect pollinators and birds (min 500m of BE3 or 1 ha of GS1 per 100 ha farmed land included in the agreement, no max)

BE3 Management of hedgerows £8/100m
GS1 Take field corners out of production (outside SDA) £365/ha


Category 3.

Optional additional resources & habitats (no min or max, apart from individual option requirements)

GS3 Ryegrass seed-set as winter/spring food for birds £331/ha
GS17 Lenient grazing supplement £44/ha
WT1 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland £201/ha