Introductory Level (£26 per hectare) Intermediate Level (£41 per hectare) – All actions in Introductory Level plus Advanced Level (£60 per hectare) – All actions in Introductory and Intermediate Levels plus

1. Carrying out a soil assessment.

First year, across all land, assess:

  • soil texture
  • drainage slope
  • connectivity to a waterbody or sensitive habitat
  • Record and keep observations, and review the assessment every 2 years.

Every year, on at least 20% of the land:

  • assess soil structure
  • assess biological indicators, for example earthworm count
  • analyse soil organic matter


1. Same as Introductory level


1. Same as Introductory level

2. Create a soil management plan

Produce this in the first year of your agreement to identify and action priorities to improve soil structure, soil carbon storage and soil biology and avoid and alleviate soil compaction. This should build on the soil assessments and include soil respiration or microorganism assessments.

  • You must review the plan every 2 years.



Introductory Level  Intermediate Level  Advanced Level 

1. Take measures to alleviate soil compaction identified in the soil assessment and soil management plan (soil management plan completed at advanced level only).

Measures include:

  • sub-soiling
  • cultivations
  • additions of organic matter

natural soil recovery through resting the field

1. Same as Introductory level

Do not use sub-soiling or increase the depth of cultivation where there are known to be buried archaeological features.


1. Same as Introductory and Intermediate levels


Introductory Level  Intermediate Level  Advanced Level 

1. Establish green cover to provide dense over-winter ground cover across the whole field before the onset of winter rainfall. Retain the cover crop until late winter.

Ways you can achieve green cover include:

  • sowing an autumn-sown crop to achieve dense ground cover across the whole field over winter
  • establishing a quick-growing cover crop that will provide dense ground cover across the whole field over winter.

establish by mid-October on at least 5% of arable land – this should be targeted at land at the highest risk of erosion or surface runoff identified in the soil assessment

1. Same as Introductory level plus

Establish by the end of September on at least 10% of arable land – this should be targeted at land at risk of erosion or surface runoff and light sandy soil identified in the soil assessment.


1. Same as Introductory and Intermediate levels

Establish by the end of September on at least 15% of arable land – this should be targeted at land at risk of erosion and surface runoff, light sandy or on shallow soils identified in the soil assessment.


Introductory Level  Intermediate Level  Advanced Level 

1. Boost soil organic matter levels and improve soil structure and biology by the application of organic matter, incorporation of straw, growing green manures, cover crops.

Organic matter can be from organic manures, certified compost, incorporation of straw or by growing green manures and cover crops

  • do this on 10% of arable land every year


1. Boost soil organic matter levels and improve soil structure and biology by either the application of organic matter, incorporation of straw, growing green manures, cover crops or the introduction of grass or herbal leys into the arable rotation (grass or herbal leys intermediate and advanced only).

  • on 15% every year. In addition to the Introductory level, this level can also include the introduction of grass or herbal leys into the arable rotation


1. Same as Intermediate level

  • on 20% every year. In addition to the Introductory level, this level can also include the introduction of grass or herbal leys into the arable rotation


Introductory Level  Intermediate Level  Advanced Level 
Not applicable 1. Use shallow, minimum or no till to establish crops. To reduce disturbance of the soil and maintain soil organic matter and support soil biological activity, direct drilling or over-sowing/broadcasting techniques will be used on temporary grassland that is reseeded.

  • This should be done on at least 25% of arable land – this includes temporary grassland.

1. Same as Intermediate level


Eligible land: All cultivated land including:

  • arable
  • field vegetables and horticulture
  • temporary grassland – land that has been in grass or other herbaceous forage for 5 years or less.

Ineligible land: Peat soil areas, greater than 20% soil organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

Funding for Capital Items

You may also be able to apply for funding from other programmes to buy equipment and machinery for:

  • low ground pressure tyres
  • reducing the weight of field machinery
  • direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops
  • minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation
  • controlled traffic farming (CTF) (Tier 1)

Additional standards you can apply to this land

Land parcels you use for this standard can also be used for the:


These notes, prepared on the 09.07.2021, are only to be used as a part of a wider discussion/decision-making process undertaken with Townsend Chartered Surveyors also giving accompanying advice. TCS cannot be held responsible for their use other than in this context or for any resulting misunderstanding or damages. As a pilot the payment values and actions required may be subject to change as Defra develops the scheme.