Hugh Townsend has for 25 years been the country's "go-to" commentator on farm quotas and rural surveying issues affecting farmers. Having become the country's leading and most innovative quota agent he was broadcast to 3.8 million listeners on Radio 4's PM programme interviewed by Eddie Mayer on the 1st April 2015 – the Dawning of Europe without Milk Quotas, click here.  More recently BBC1 interviewed Hugh Townsend on the future of farming following the Referendum, click here.

Hugh Townsend has over the years developed the most creative arrangements to promote an efficient market in farm quotas, in the early eighties developing leasing milk quota without land before the Milk Marketing Board introduced leasing for a part of the milk year. 

He represented clients in leading legal cases defending transfers of milk quota and developed the new system of second TQ1 forms protecting the transfer of quotas with land. 

In 1991, with Farmers Weekly he produced the first sale price index countrywide and started to publish farm quota sales and leasing graphs which are still published by Farmers Weekly and other publications and can be seen on our Milk Quota & Entitlements pages. 

On BBC television he has defended dairy farmers who have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous inpiduals in the farm quota market and was again on television to comment on the "footballers buy milk quota" rumpus. 

He regularly writes for Farmers Guardian and the South West's Western Morning News and our experienced team is sought after for their comments on farm quotas.


We have published our 2022 UK Market Report (click here) which we hope you will find of interest. START OF 2023 TRADING As we approach the final trading year for English BPS entitlements, it is good to see the Environmental Credit markets starting to provide other revenue streams for you and our 2022 report as…

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18.1.23 – Western Morning News – Taxation of Environmental Credits

TAXATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CREDITS – SOME THOUGHTS As environmental credits become more prominent and more markets open for them, questions are increasingly arising about their tax status. Are they capital assets whose sale is subject to CGT? Do they actually qualify as income instead? What is their significance for inheritance tax? Are they subject to…

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2.12.2022 – Farmers Weekly – Biodiversity Net Gain market – how will it all work in practice?

The biodiversity net gain market is becoming more active. Farmers Weekly looks at the detail The law requiring a 10% uplift in bio­diversity for any new development is not expected to come into force until at least late 2023. To meet this requirement – which can be either on-site or off-site – the developer must…

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16.11.22 – Western Morning News – A farmer’s guide to operating in Biodiversity Net Gain market

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 A common misunderstanding about the English Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) market is that units can only be sold in their own Local Planning Authority (LPA) or the adjoining one. This confusion comes from two sources. The number of units sold outside their own LPA will be reduced by the “spatial risk multiplier”…

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2.11.2022 Fact Sheet 15 – How is Biodiversity Net Gain Marketed?

The new Biodiversity Net Gain market, contrary to early expectations, is a national market. Why this is and how it works is explained here. TCS Habitat Distinctiveness/”Rarity” and Trading Pyramid 1. INTRODUCTION  1.1 One of the most common misunderstandings about the English Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) market is that the marketplace for any particular units…

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Background  One important historic consideration when claiming the BPS, and the SPS before it, is the Active Farmer Rule. As of 2015, the birth year of the Basic Payment Scheme whose departure we are now witnessing, the “Active Farmer Rule” was a negative stipulation for national farming subsidy claims. That is, it gave circumstances in…

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11.10.22 The Future of Farm Support in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

As policy on agricultural support is a fully devolved matter, each region of the UK may decide on how best to meet the objectives, needs and priorities of their region as they see fit. England was first to act and has the most developed transitional pathway. They decided that the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) will…

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8.8.22 Annual Health & Welfare Review Pilot – open for applications

We are writing to report the latest progress of this scheme. You may already be familiar with the Annual Health and Welfare Review (AHWR). When it comes into force, this scheme will offer a yearly payment for a vet to come to the farm to assess the health of the animals and make recommendations for…

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6.7.22 – Western Morning News – Carbon credits: Is now the time to sell?

We are for the most part unqualified to comment on the implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are two aspects of Russian activity which may affect UK domestic policy in a way that in turn affects carbon markets. First is the reduction in Ukrainian agri-food exports. Russia has, in their attempt to choke…

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29.6.22 – Western Morning News – Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme

SUSTAINABLE FARMING INCENTIVE 2022: APPLICATIONS OPEN FROM 30TH JUNE  DEFRA have announced the wider roll out of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) which opened for applications from Thursday 30th June.   As the Basic Payment Scheme winds down, with the last claims to be put in next year before delinkage payments from 2024, many are wondering…

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