Hugh Townsend has for over 25 years been the country's "go-to" commentator on farm quotas and rural surveying issues affecting farmers. Having become the country's leading and most innovative quota agent he was broadcast to 3.8 million listeners on Radio 4's PM programme interviewed by Eddie Mayer on the 1st April 2015 – the Dawning of Europe without Milk Quotas, click here.  More recently BBC1 interviewed Hugh Townsend on the future of farming following the Referendum, click here.

Hugh Townsend has over the years developed the most creative arrangements to promote an efficient market in farm quotas, in the early eighties developing leasing milk quota without land before the Milk Marketing Board introduced leasing for a part of the milk year. 

He represented clients in leading legal cases defending transfers of milk quota and developed the new system of second TQ1 forms protecting the transfer of quotas with land. 

In 1991, with Farmers Weekly he produced the first sale price index countrywide and started to publish farm quota sales and leasing graphs which are still published by Farmers Weekly and other publications and can be seen on our Milk Quota & Entitlements pages. 

On BBC television he has defended dairy farmers who have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals in the farm quota market and was again on television to comment on the "footballers buy milk quota" rumpus. 

He regularly writes for Farmers Guardian and the South West's Western Morning News and our experienced team is sought after for their comments on farm quotas.

29.8.2023 NUTRIENT NEUTRALITY: Government announces amendments to the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill

Nutrient Neutrality payments still available based on water catchment priority areas  Changes proposed to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill announced yesterday by the Government, may have a significant impact for both the Nutrient Mitigation market and farmers in general.   The Government intends to boost housebuilding by removing ‘red tape’ currently holding back the granting…

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11.8.23 – Farmers Weekly – BNG credit prices give open market a steer on values

From November, developers must demonstrate improved biodiversity associated with their sites, Farmers Weekly looks at the process and implications for landowners. Read more here

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3.8.23 – BNG – Latest DEFRA Publications – Statutory Credits and Responsible Bodies

As we get closer to the 11th November 2023, Biodiversity Net Gain is set to become mandatory with a range of developments required to demonstrate a 10% uplift in habitat biodiversity before their planning permission is approved. It is encouraging to see DEFRA showing signs of gearing up for this deadline with two publications issued…

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2.8.23 – Western Morning News – Nutrient Neutrality

Nutrient pollution causes many environmental issues, especially in freshwater habitats and estuaries which suffer from ‘eutrophication’ when excess levels of nitrogen and phosphorus are present. This process speeds up the growth of certain flora such as algae, adversely impacting other plant and wildlife. Common sources of excess nutrients include sewage treatment works, septic tanks, grey…

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21.6.23 Western Morning News – English BPS Delinkage Trading

English entitlement trading goes out with a bang and whilst we knew Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were continuing trading entitlements for a further two years, no-one expected BPS delinkage reference amounts would be tradeable in 2024. Register your interest now. Delinkage in England: trading of reference amount Delinkage reference amounts (based on claims from…

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25.5.23 Farmers Weekly – Right to delinked payments can be traded in 2024

A late rule change means that businesses which did not make an English Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) claim in 2023 may now benefit from delinkage by selling their reference amount, which is based on claims made in 2020 to 2022. Updated guidance from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) recently set out how delinked payments will…

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15.3.23 – Farmers Weekly – New factors emerge in final trading year for BPS entitlements

The final year of being able to buy and sell English Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) entitlements is seeing a slow start to trade in a market that is very difficult to call. Trade can take place at any time in a claim year up to the 15 May BPS application deadline. However, it tends to…

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15.3.23 – Western Morning News – Market for Biodiversity Net Gain is confirmed

This latest announcement on Biodiversity Net Gain provides certainty that the mandatory BNG market will be starting in November and the marketplace will be left to existing independent selling agents with a hands-off approach from the Government. Local Planning Authorities’ (LPA’s) involvement in the market’s operation will be restricted ensuring this new environmental credit will…

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2.3.23 – Farmers Weekly – Biodiversity unit and nutrient credit stacking – What we know

Landowners and occupiers will be able to stack biodiversity net gain alongside nutrient mitigation measures and other environmental payments on the same land. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) requires that the effect on biodiversity of a new development is quantified, and the natural habitat is enhanced and left in a measurably better state. Confirmation that stacking…

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This latest announcement on Biodiversity Net Gain provides certainty that the mandatory BNG market will be starting in November and the marketplace will be left to existing independent selling agents with a hands-off approach from the Government. Local Planning Authorities’ (LPA’s) involvement in the market’s operation will be restricted ensuring this new environmental credit will…

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